
[Comprehensive Guide] Horde Leveling 1 - 85 (x20 Realms)

Reminder: Since all realm rates have reduced to maximum rates of x10 this guide is no longer that much useful.

[Comprehensive Guide] Horde Leveling 1 - 85 (x20 Realms)

- Horde Leveling only.
- About 160 working quests that get character from 1 to 85.
- Starting zones covered so far: [Mulgore] - Tauren.
- If you are starting guide from the middle, start doing quests that are 5 levels below yours.
- Last update on 12 April 2014

- Legend:
[Recommended Minimum Level] - You should still do the quests even if you are 5 levels above.
Link to (Start Coordinates)
[Links to Quests]
Quest Chain Number
Helping clues, Comments
Recommendations/Instructions between quests
Major Bugs
Important information

Recommendations before you begin

+ Download Carbonite v4.301 Add-on for WoW 4.3.4 from Curse.
- It can show you where to go and what to do to complete quests.
+ Download Quest Completist v0.99.7 Add-on for WoW 4.3.4 from Curse.
- Enables you to see what quests you have completed. Can query Server for the quests you have completed.
- To open interface type /qc > Categories > Settings > Perform Server Query...

Starting Zones

[Mulgore] - Tauren Starting Zone 1 - 10
- [1] (45,75) [The First Step] #1
- [2] (48,78) [Rite of Strength] #2
- [2] (48,78) [Our Tribe, Imprisoned] #3
- [2] (48,78) [Go to Adana] #4
- [3] (46,82) [Rite of Courage]
- [3] (46,82) [The Battleboars] #1
- [4] (46,82) [Feed of Evil]
- [5] (46,82) [Rite of Honor] #2
- [5] (45,75) [Last Rites, First Rites] #3
- [5] (45,75) [Rites of the Earthmother] #4
- [5] (41,76) [Rite of the Winds] #5 Just hand in the quest. It's automatically "completed".
- [6] (47,59) [Sharing the Land] #1
- [8] (47,59) [Morin Cloudstalker] #1

- To continue further you have to go to [Orgrimmar].
- Head North West up to Mulgore (37,32) or Thunder Bluff (34,74)
- Take elevator up
- Head left to the bridge that starts inside the building at Thunder Bluff (34,47)
- Cross the bridge and turn right to the cave entrance at Thunder Bluff (30,30)
- Walk inside the cave and all the way to the back wall at Thunder Bluff (23,13)
- Take portal to [Blasted Lands]
- When you are in [Blasted Lands] go to Blasted Lands (55,54) and take the Dark Portal
- When you are in [Hellfire Peninsula] go right to Hellfire Peninsula (88,47)
- Take portal to [Orgrimmar]
- Its is strongly recommended at this stage to set your home at Orgrimmar so you can [Hearth] back here later from [Un'Goro Crater] 

General Quests - Start in any zone that is 5 levels blelow yours.

- Exit [Orgrimmar] city at Orgrimmar (55,54) where there is a connection to [Northern Barrens]

[Northern Barrens] - Zone 10 -20
- [16] (62,16) [Hyena Extermination]
- [16] (62,17) [Miner's Fortune]
- [16] (62,16) [Sludge Investigation] #1
- [16] (62,17) [Wenikee Boltbucket]
- [16] (44,25) [A Burning Threat]
- [21] (42,15) [Find Gorat!] #1
- [21] (42,15) [Gorat's Vengeance]

[Ashenvale] - Zone 20 -25
- [21] (64,84) [Final Report] Cont. #2
- [21] (42,15) [To Dinah, at Once!] Cont. #3 Back at [Northern Barrens]

- To go to the next quests go to the end of the Great Divide at Southern Barrens (36,5)
- Go to the beginning of the path in the mountains at Southern Barrens (31,11)
- Take this path all the way to Hunter's Hill at Southern Barrens (39,20)

[Southern Barrens] - Zone 30 -35
- [30] (39,20) [Raptor Scraps]
- [31] (39,19) [Put the Fear in Them]
- [31] (39,20) [Signals in the Sky]
- [31] (44,33) [Keeping the Dogs at Bay]
- [31] (44,33) [When Plants Attack]
- [32] (44,33) [A Family Divided] #1 Part two is probably bugged or not worth the time.
- [33] (41,47) [Lion's Pride]

[Dustwallow Marsh] - Zone 35 - 40
- [35] (35,30) [Theramore Spies] #1
- [36] (37,31) [SMASH BROODQUEEN]
- [37] (36,31) [Talk to Ogron]
- [39] (36,31) [Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk]
- [39] (36,31) [Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern]
- [39] (37,33) [The Brood of Onyxia] #1 This npc's name is "Blizzard" spelled backwards.
- [39] (36,31) [The Brood of Onyxia] #2
- [39] (37,33) [The Brood of Onyxia] #3
- [41] (37,31) [Army of the Black Dragon]

- To exit [Dustwallow Marsh] go to Dustwallow Marsh (42,77) and take this path
- Continue on this path and jump into the water
- Get out of the water at Thousand Needles (56,56) and take this path to [Tanaris]

[Tanaris] - Zone 45 - 50
- [47] (55,60) [A Few Good Goblins]
- [47] (55,60) [Cutting Losses] #1
- [47] (55,60) [Chicken of the Desert] #2
- [47] (55,60) [Gazer Tag]
- [47] (55,60) [Returning a Favor]
- [48] (44,52) [Get The Centipaarty Started]
- [48] (33,77) [Laying Claim] #1
- [48] (33,77) [The Secrets of Uldum] #1

[Un'Goro Crater] - Zone 50 - 55
- [52] (54,63) [Peculiar Delicacies] #1
- [52] (54,63) [Mossy Pile] #2
- [52] (55,62) [Volcanic Activity] #1
- [53] (55,62) [Blazerunner] #2 This [Blazerunner] mob is actually pretty tough. May skip.
- [53] (55,62) [The Fledgling Colossus] Group recommended. He is located unside cave. Take right path.

- Make sure you are level 61. If you are not just grind some mobs or do few more quests that you can find.
- [Hearth] back to [Orgrimmar]
- Take path down the elevator and go to the entrance of Cleft of Shadows at Orgrimmar (56,51)
- Go inside Cleft of Shadows (cave) and take portal to [Blasted Lands] located at Orgrimmar (47,61)
- Go to Blasted Lands (55,54) and take the Dark Portal to [Hellfire Peninsula]

[Hellfire Peninsula] - Zone 58 - 70
- [61] (28,60) [Report to Zurai] Pick up but do not do it yet. Finish it when you get to [Zangarmarsh] 
- [62] (26,60) [Arelion's Journal] #1 The journal is in a tree at Hellfire Peninsula (40,37).
- [62] (26,60) [Arelion's Secret] #2
- [62] (29,50) [The Mistress Revealed] #3 You can /tar Magister Aledis and look at minimap.
- [63] (27,60) [Trueflight Arrows]
- [63] (28,60) [Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage] Quest from Wanted Poster. Mob is inside the cave.
- [61] (27,60) [Helping the Cenarion Post] #1
- [63] (15,52) [Demonic Contamination] #2
- [63] (15,52) [Testing the Antidote] #3 Don't "observe" the result. Just KILL the boar.
- [63] (15,52) [Colossal Menace] Can be tough. Find a buddy!
- [63] (15,52) [Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!]
- [62] (16,52) [The Cenarion Expedition] Finish in the next zone.

- Now you can go to Zangarmarsh (85,54) and hand in [Report to Zurai]

[Zangarmarsh] - Zone 60 - 63
- [62] (80,64) [The Umbrafen Tribe] On top of the tall tower.
- [64] (78,62) [Warden Hamoot]
- [64] (80,64) [Blessings of the Ancients] Just talk to two Ancients (big trees) at (81,64) and (79,67).
- [64] (78,62) [Warden Hamoot]

- Now go to Shattrath City (52,52) and take portal to [Undercity]
- Now go to Zeppelin located at Tirisfal Glades (59,59) and take it to [Howling Fjord]

[Howling Fjord] - Zone 68 - 72
- [71] (79,31) [Let Them Eat Crow] Do NOT complete. "Cheat" by spawning Hounds for the next quest.
- [71] (83,43) [Trail of Fire] Rather difficult escort quest. Clear mobs before doing it or use "cheat" above.
- [71] (78,31) [War is Hell] #1
- [71] (78,29) [New Agamand] #1
- [71] (53,66) [A Tailor-Made Formula] #2
- [71] (53,66) [Apply Heat and Stir] #3
- [71] (53,66) [Field Test] #4 You do not need to spray them. Just kill 10 mobs.
- [71] (53,66) [Time for Cleanup] #5 I skipped last two quests because they take way too long to grind.
- [71] (53,67) [Green Eggs and Whelps] #1
- [71] (53,65) [Shield Hill]
- [72] (53,66) [Give it a Name] #1
- [72] (52,67) [To Venomspite!] #2 Unlocks [Imbeciles Abound!].

[Dragonblight] - Zone 71 - 80
- [72] (77,62) [The Forsaken Blight and You: How Not to Die] Cont. - #3 I have skipped next quest.
- [72] (77,62) [Blighted Last Rites]
- [72] (77,62) [Let Them Not Rise!]
- [72] (77,62) [Wanted: The Scarlet Onslaught]
- [72] (36,48) [Imbeciles Abound!] Pick up this quest but do not do it yet.
- [74] (36,46) [The High Executor Needs You] #1 Pick up this quest but do not do it yet.
- [72] (36,46) [The Taunka and the Tauren] Does not need chain of quests before it.
- [72] (38,46) [Victory Nears...] #1 Next quest in chain is bugged.
- [73] (38,46) [The Kor'kron Vanguard!] #2
- [74] (40,18) [Audience With The Dragon Queen] #3
- [74] (59,54) [Seeds of the Lashers] #1
- [74] (64,75) [Cycle of Life] #1 Next quest in chain is bugged.
- [74] (59,54) [That Which Creates Can Also Destroy] #2

- Now go to Venomspite Base at Dragonblight (77,62)
- Hand in [The High Executor Needs You] at (76,63) and [Imbeciles Abound!] at (77,62)

- [74] (76,63) [To Conquest Hold, But Be Careful!] #2

[Grizzly Hills] - Zone 73 - 75
- [74] (20,64) [The Conqueror's Task] Cont. #3
- [74] (21,64) [A Show of Strength] Cont. #4
- [75] (20,64) [My Enemy's Friend] #1
- [74] (20,64) [Attack on Silverbrook] #2
- [74] (22,65) [Gray Worg Hides] #1 These are a pain to gather. Good bunch of wolves at Grizzly Hills (24,50).
- [74] (22,65) [A Minor Substitution] #2
- [74] (22,65) [Jun'ik's Coverup] #3
- [74] (22,65) [Delivery to Krenna] #4
- [74] (21,64) [Onward to Camp Oneqwah] Helps to have fast flying mount speed.
- [74] (21,64) [The Flamebinders' Secrets]
- [74] (21,64) [The Thane of Voldrune] Just go on top of tower and kill [Thane Torvald Eriksson] at Grizzly Hills (27,73).
- [74] (22,64) [Good Troll Hunting] #1 Good Will Hunting.
- [74] (16,47) [Filling the Cages] #2
- [73] (16,47) [Truce?] #1 You can continue on this chain but I could not be bothered collecting stuff.

- Next two quests will teleport you to Dalaran

[Dalaran] - Zone 1 - 85
- [74] (20,64) [The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran] #1 From NPC [Magistrix Phaelista]
- [74] (57,46) [Learning to Leave and Return: the Magical Way] #2

- You can set home in Dalaran and teleport to Orgrimmar
- In Orgrimmar you can use portals at Orgrimmar (50,37) to teleport to the next Cata zones

[Vashj'ir!] - Zone 80 -82
- To start questing in Vashj'ir! you must complete the following:
- [80] (49,76) [Warchief's Command: Vashj'ir!] Prerequisite - #3 Can be done without 2 previous questst in line.
- [81] (58,12) [Call of Duty] Prerequisite - #4 Can take ship near here to travel to Kelp'thar Forest.
- Now you can start these:
- [81] (38,31) [Sea Legs] Underwater inside capsized boat.
I could not do the rest of the quests such as [Pay It Forward] so just went to the next zone.

[Mount Hyjal] - Zone 80 - 82
- To start questing in Mount Hyjal you must complete the following:
- [80] (49,76) [Warchief's Command: Mount Hyjal!] Prerequisite - #1
- [81] (45,44) [As Hyjal Burns] Prerequisite - #2 You will be teleported here from previous quests.
- [81] (62,24) [Protect the World Tree] Prerequisite - #3
- [81] (47,35) [War on the Twilight's Hammer] Prerequisite - #4
- Now you can start these:
- [81] (64,22) [Inciting the Elements] #1 Optional quest line but good experience none the less. DO IT.
- [81] (64,22) [Flames from Above] #2
- [81] (64,22) [The Earth Rises] Optional quest. Just do it.
- [81] (62,24) [The Last Living Lorekeeper] #1 [Nordu] is at Mount Hyjal (27,55)
- [81] (27,55) [Firefight] #2
- [81] (27,55) [Aessina's Miracle] #3 Enables optional [Lost Wardens] and [Pressing the Advantage] down the list.
- [81] (19,37) [Good News... and Bad News] Squeeze this in. It is very quick quest.
- [81] (19,37) [Tortolla's Revenge] #1 She is located at Mount Hyjal (42,60). Enables optional [Breakthrough].
- [81] (42,60) [The Hammer and the Key] #2
- [81] (42,60) [The Third Flamegate] #3 Hint: Enter Portal located at Mount Hyjal (64,53).
- [81] (64,53) [The Time for Mercy has Passed] #4 Still inside the portal. Mobs are all around the cave but take long to spawn.
- [81] (42,60) [Breakthrough] He is under same huge tortoise and can be hard to click.
- [81] (42,60) [Lost Wardens] #1
- [81] (57,55) [Pressing the Advantage] #2
- [81] (28,29) [From the Mouth of Madness] #1
- [81] (28,36) [Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows] #2
- [81] (28,29) [Sweeping the Shelf]

- You will now be Exalted with [Guardians of Hyjal] Faction

[Deepholm] - Zone 82 - 83
- To start questing in Deepholm you must complete the following:
- [82] (49,76) [Warchief's Command: Deepholm!] Prerequisite - #1 Maybe not required?
- [82] (56,37) [The Maelstrom] Prerequisite - #2
- [82] (33,50) [Deepholm, Realm of Earth] Prerequisite - #3 The ride is not working so just [Hearth] back.
- Now you can start these:
- [82] (49,53) [Gunship Down] Cont. - #3
- [82] (49,53) [Diplomacy First] Cont. - #4
- [82] (49,53) [The Earth Claims All]
- [82] (49,53) [Elemental Energy]
- [82] (62,53) [All Our Friends Are Dead] #1 Fly up high. This NPC is on top of a scripted plying gunship that keeps moving.
- [82] (62,53) [The Admiral's Cabin] #1 He is inside the cabin. Next Quest Line [Without a Captain or Crew] is bugged.
The rest of quests are bugged. It is not even possible to quest for reputation with [Therazane] Faction.

[Orgrimmar] - Zone 1 - 85
- [84] (48,70) [Sauranok Will Point the Way] #1 Do this when you reach level 84. Easy experience.
- [84] (48,71) [Unfamiliar Waters] #1

[Uldum] - Zone 83 - 84
- To start questing in Uldum you must complete the following:
- [84] (49,76) [Warchief's Command: Uldum!] Prerequisite
- Now you can start these:
Ironically there are no quests available here yet. Just go to the next zone.

[Twilight Highlands] - Zone 84 - 85
- To start questing in Twilight Highlands you must complete the following:
- [84] (49,76) [Warchief's Command: Twilight Highlands!] Prerequisite - #1
- [84] (48,76) [Machines of War] #2 Not required but good experience. The rest of the quest line is bugged.
- Now you can start these:
- [84] (37,88) [Spirit of the Loch] #1 Npc [Countess Verrall] is underwater!
- [84] (27,63) [Fire the Cannon] #2
- [85] (21,57) [Enter the Dragon Queen]

Enjoy your Level 85!

Feedback is welcome.

This guide isn't made originally from us this is just copied from Molten Wow Forum.