On 8:51 AM by Site Admin
October 3, 2011 Changelog
Death Knight
- [Unholy Blight] damage over time is fixed
- Runic power gain from [Blood Boil] is fixed
- Minor corrections to [Summon Gargoyle]
- [Magic Suppression] damage absorption is fixed
- Death Knights can now mount while under the effect of [Lichborne]
- [Improved Unholy Presence] will now properly reduce rune cooldown
- [Item - Death Knight T8 DPS Relic] is fixed
- [Wandering Plague] is fixed
- [Black Ice] will now correctly affect only Frost and Shadow damage
- [Blood Tap] will now correctly activate blood rune if both blood runes are on cooldown
- [Item - Druid T8 Restoration 4P Bonus] is fixed
- [Faerie Fire (Feral)] additional damage and threat effect will no longer be applied in Cat form and is now properly affected by [Nature's Reach] talent
- Bear Form and Dire Bear Form armor calculations have been fixed
- [Survival of the Fittest] will no longer grant 100% armor bonus in addition to its normal effect
- [Enrage] will now properly reduce base armor for the duration of its effect
- [Item - Druid T10 Feral 4P Bonus] is fixed
- Glyph of Icy Veins haste debuff removal is fixed
- [Ice Block] can now be used while under [Forbearance] effect
- [Seal of Righteousness] spell power and attack power coefficients are fixed
- [Seals of the Pure] will now affect [Seal of Righteousness]
- [Seal of Vengeance] is fixed
- [Seal of Corruption] is fixed
- [Seal of Righteousness] will now trigger from all weapon based spells
- [Righteous Defense] will no longer affect targets that cannot attack the Paladin
- [Item - Paladin T8 Holy 2P Bonus] is fixed
- [Item - Paladin T8 Holy 4P Bonus] is fixed
- [Item - Paladin T9 Holy 4P Bonus (Flash of Light)]is fixed
- [Retribution Aura] damage shield will now properly scale with spell power
- [Mote of Anger] will now proc [Seal of Vengeance] and [Seal of Corruption] effect when released
- Instant damage caused by [Improved Devouring Plague] will now heal the caster
- Glyph of Mind Flay is fixed
- [Twisted Faith] is fixed
- Glyph of Smite has been corrected
- [Mind Control] now has diminishing returns
- Mana Tide Totem health has been corrected
- [Item - Shaman T10 Elemental 4P Bonus] is fixed
- [Killing Spree] can no longer hit targets which cannot be attacked or critters
- [Cloak of Shadows] will now remove [Chilled to the Bone] debuff
- [Curse of the Elements] duration in PvP has been fixed
- [Curse of Tongues] duration in PvP has been fixed
- [Banish] duration in PvP and removal behavior have been fixed
- Corrections to [Deep Wounds] when more than one application is applied
- Corrections to [Victory Rush]
- Stances will now be saved after death or logging out
- [Item - Warrior T10 Melee 4P Bonus] is fixed
- [Reverted] Battleground experience gain system has been implemented
- Midsummer Lord Ahune script has been implemented
- Dungeon Finder
- [Reverted] Players will now be able to queue up for Dungeon Finder without a premade group
- Support for seasonal bosses has been added
- Isle of Conquest fixes (undergoing development and is not available)
- Initial implementation and numerous fixes
- Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest will now give increased honor and reputation when the respective battleground weekend is active
- Strand of the Ancients
- Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients will now give increased honor and reputation when the respective battleground weekend is active
- Alterac Valley
- Balinda Stonehearth script has been rewritten and she will now use all of her abilities
- Icecrown Citadel
- Fixed crash related issues with Blood Queen Lana'Thel
- Corrections to Sindragosa encounter
- Doors will now correctly re-open after a realm crash or a restart
- Corrections to the Lich King script
- Corrections to the Lich King achievements
- [Necrotic Plague] targeting is fixed
- Sindragosa's health is now checked before entering the air phase
- Corrected Sindragosa spawning a lot of tombs during the air phase
- Precious' adds will apply a stacking debuff on their target
- Lich King's movement and autoattack speed have been corrected
- Trial of the Crusader
- Both Val'kyrs will now drop loot as intended
- Sunwell Plateau
- Corrections to Kalecgos script
Halls of Reflection
- Lich Kings Ice Walls have been fixed
- Corrections to spells [Searing Light], [Searing Light] used by XT-002 encounter
- Hodir encounter has been scripted
- Auriaya encounter has been scripted
- Assembly of Iron encounter has been scripted
- Runemaster Molgeim's adds will now disappear after he dies
- Storm Power from Hodir encounter is fixed
- Ruby Sanctum
- General Zarithrian has been scripted (encounter is undergoing testing and is not available)
- Baltharus the Warborn has been scripted (encounter is undergoing testing and is not available)
- Saviana Ragefire has been scripted (encounter is undergoing testing and is not available)
- Trash been scripted (undergoing testing and is not available)
- The Eye of Eternity
- Malygos has been scripted (encounter is undergoing testing and is not available)
- Uldaman
- Altar of Keepers mini bosses duplicate summons have been removed
- Now This is Ram Racing... Almost. has been fully scripted
- The Hunt is On has been corrected
- The Final Code is fixed
- Cold Hearted is fixed
- Many objects related to quests in Silithus have been fixed
- Many quests in Silithus have been corrected
- Basic Orders is fixed
- Neltharion's Flame is fixed
- Blending In is fixed
- Honoring a Hero has been corrected
- Fixed Brewfest 'Barker' quests: Bark for Drohn's Distillery!, Bark for T'chali's Voodoo Brewery!, Bark for the Barleybrews! and Bark for the Thunderbrews!.
- There and Back Again is fixed
- Fixed quest Now This is Ram Racing... Almost.
- Leave Nothing to Chance is fixed
- Quest completion code has been corrected
- Fixed quest Chug and Chuck!
- Battling the Elements has been scripted
- Boiling Point has been corrected
- The Archmage's Staff: Ekkorash the Inquisitor despawn timer has been optimized
- A Fall From Grace: Agent Skully will now provide the disguise as intented
- The Green Hills of Stranglethorn: Barnil Stonepot will help to relocate Chapters destroyed after the respective quests have been completed
- Taming the Beast quest for Blood Elves: Elder Springpaw respawn timer has been corrected
- Da Perfect Spies will now have complete text and the correct gold reward
- Wooly Justice has been scripted
- Patching Up has been corrected
- Burn It Up... For the Horde! has been corrected
- Lab Work has been scripted
- Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice has been scripted
- Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty summoned enemies will now last for 90 seconds instead 10 minutes and will not award experience
- Bride of the Embalmer summoned enemies will now last for 2 minutes instead 50 minutes and will not award experience
- The Gearmaster Mechazod summon will now last for 90 seconds instead 7 minutes and will not award experience
- The Gearmaster and Defeat the Gearmaster have been scripted
- Kill the Cultists: Anub'ar Cultist will no longer cast while running away in fear and will only drop Functional Cultist Suit while on quest
- Tactical Clemency has been fixed
- See You on the Other Side has been fixed
- In the Name of Loken has been scripted
- Abjurist Belmara, Conjurer Luminrath and Cohlien Frostweaver have been fixed
- More Fertile Spores has been fixed
- The Lightbringer's Redemption, Sylvanas' Vengeance, Jaina's Locket, Muradin's Lament and Mograine's Reunion will now have the correct text
- Picking Up Some Power Converters has been fixed
- A Bear of an Appetite has been corrected
- Securing the Bait has been fixed
- Loremaster quests in Netherstorm starting with Report to Spymaster Thalodien have had their race requirements corrected
- Jormuttar is Soo Fat... has been scripted
- A New Plague: Captured Mountaineer will now have a faster respawn
- The Iron Colossus has been corrected
- There's Something About the Squire has been corrected
- Scourgekabob has been fixed
- Drakkari Offerings used in quests The Blessing of Zim'Abwa, The Blessing of Zim'Rhuk and The Blessing of Zim'Torga will no longer be a quest drop
- The Might of the Horde has been scripted
- Slaves to Saronite has been scripted
- Crown of the Earth has been fixed
- What Illidan Wants, Illidan Gets... has been scripted
- 196 quest gameobjects that could previously be interacted with while not being on quest have been corrected
- Full rewrite and a major optimization to spell casting code for fastest response
- Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings heal over time proc on has been corrected
- Scripted Pole Dance experience gain bonuses
- [Lifeblood] scaling with health has been fixed
- Dueling zone for Warsong realm has been added
- Players will no longer receive bonus armor from items twice.
- Holy resistance does not exist for players and is an NPC-only attribute
- Haste rating calculations have been fixed
- Corrections to Argent Defender healing calculations
- Corrections to visibility and phase shift systems
- Fixes to midsummer bonfires
- Item Bauble of True Blood can now produce critical strikes
- Festival Loremaster in Darnassus will now be in Rut'theran Village as intended
- Corrections to [Arcane Surge] spell
- Corrections to totem summoning behavior
- [Anti-Magic Zone] visuals have been fixed
- Corrections to spawning of battleground creatures
- Corrections to experience gain from high-level opponents
- Corrections to Draenei Fishing Net script
- Fixed the issue with mounts when entering and exiting battlegrounds
- Fire Festival Fury effect should not scale with anything
- [Strength of the Pack] will now exclude the caster as intended
- Petrified Twilight Scale has been fixed
- Issues with Ribbon Pole related to midsummer events have been fixed
- Fixed Corpse Tongue Coin
- [Rapid-Fire Harpoon] damage is fixed
- Corrections to all spells that increase damage by a percentage of health
- [Conservator's Grip] is now marked as a debuff and [Fists of Stone] as a buff
- Fixed Rocket Boots Xtreme
- [Enchant Weapon - Black Magic] enchant will now work after player's death
- Corrected issue with traps hitting their owners
- Fixed apple trap
- Corrections to ram racing daily quests
- Fixed Stranglethorn Brew and [Brewfest Toast]
- Players not present during an encounter can no longer loot the corpse
- Captain Balinda Stonehearth scripted
- Heirloom trinkets have been fixed
- Item Eye of the Broodmother proc has been corrected
- Item Jouster's Fury will now have an internal cooldown
- Corrections to midsummer creatures, spells and quests
- Rocket Chicken pet has been fixed
- Darkmoon Carnie's will no longer have the wrong animations
- Battered Hilt will now only drop in heroic mode
- Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator barrier will no longer scale with spellpower
- Argent Tournament: [Armistice] Buff will be active on players in front of Sunreaver and Silver Covenant Pavillions as well
- Nerub'ar Broodkeeper can now be attacked as intended
- Stormwind Wizard's Tower portal will make players appear on the other side with the right orientation
- Enraged Mammoth vehicle will now attack back and drop a maximum of 5 Borean Leather
- Frozen Sphere and Coldarra Mage Slayer will no longer award experience and Coldarra Spellbinder will be immune to Mind Control
- Mr. Pinchy's Gift loot has been corrected
- Lake Jorune in Terokkar Forest will now have a Spirit Healer
- Sealed Chest will now drop if the right conditions are met
- Gnomish Army Knife resurrection will now really be usable by a Grand Master Engineer
- Direbrew Minion will no longer be spawned by default
- Friend or Fowl? is fixed
- The Grim Reaper is fixed
- Flurry is fixed
- Soul Power is fixed
- Burning Hot Pole Dance is fixed
- We Had It All Along *cough* is fixed
- Let's Get This Done is fixed
- Dinner Impossible is fixed
- Stormtrooper has been fixed
- Steady Hands and Supreme Defender have been enabled
- Wintergrasp Ranger has been fixed
- Wrath of the Alliance has been enabled
- Achievements related to Ulduar instance have been corrected
- Corrections to spell threat calculations
- Corrected issue with more than 3 dragon gems crashing players upon equipping
- Optimizations to network , packets and threads handling system
- Major fixes to the spell, channeling and cooldown systems
- Corrections to Object active spells
- Many fixes to events and vehicles
- Further corrections to PPC Mac logins
- Many tweaks and fixes, code cleanup
- 9 Exploit fixes
- 12 Crash fixes
On 8:51 AM by Site Admin
Death Knight
- [Heart Strike] damage will now properly be increased by diseases applied to target
- [Summon Gargoyle]: The gargoyle now flies lower to the ground instead of being a ground unit
- Fixed an issues where players could get stuck in shapeshifting forms when switching quickly
- Restoration bonus for [Item - Druid T10 Restoration 4P Bonus (Rejuvenation)] has been implemented
- Damage coefficient of [Starfall] has been updated
- [Repentance] will now remove [Righteous Vengeance]'s damage over time debuff
- Fixed bonus for [Item - Paladin T10 Retribution 2P Bonus]
- Priest's [Mana Burn] can now break fear effects
- Greater Fire Elemental and Greater Earth Elemental will now be immune respectively to Fire and Nature damage
- Warrior
- [Safeguard] will no longer be applied to the caster himself
Icecrown Citadel
- Professor Putricide's [Tear Gas] will now be correctly removed from nearby players, pets and the abomination
- Lady Deathwhisper's [Frostbolt] will now be interruptable
- Professor Putricide and Rotface: Little Ooze and Volatile Ooze health values have been fixed
- Rotface's Big Ooze movement speed has been corrected
- Fixed Area of Effect elements of Putricide's Mutated Plague and Stinky's plague Stench
- Stinky and Precious are now immune to [Death Grip]
- Traps after Deathbringer Saurfang have been implemented
- Corrections to Sindragosa to prevent frost tombs being placed on pets or totems
- Corrections to Blood Prince Councel to avoid exploitation of the bosses
- Precious and Stinky will now have immunities as intented
Trial of the Champion
- Fixes to Eadric the Pure's spells
Halls of Reflection
- Lich King will now only spawn adds in front of him
- Added "roleplaying" before the first encounter and animation with it
Obsidian Sanctum
- Sartharion encounter: Loot and Stats have been redone to work like intended
Strand of the Ancients
- Fixed achievements [The Dapper Sapper] and [Explosives Expert]
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
- Fixed the boss Herald Volazj
The Nexus
- Many corrections to boss Anomalus
Isle of Conquest
- Initial Isle of Conquest data has been composed (battleground is still unavailable)
Halls of Lightning
- Slag will now be immune to Nature damage
- [Massacre At Light's Point] has been corrected
- [A Righteous Sermon] has been scripted
- [An Apexis Relic] has been fixed
- [Brother Against Brother] has been corrected
- [The Relic's Emanation] has been fixed
- [Now, When I Grow Up...] is fixed and Blood Elf Orphan quests have been corrected
- [Bring Down Those Shields] (both versions) has been corrected
- [Battling the Elements] has been scripted
- [Plagued Lands] has been scripted
- [Cold Hearted] has been corrected
- Fixes to quest rewarding in zones Undercity and Blackrock Depths
- [A Mammoth Undertaking] has been scripted
- More chicken will now spawn when acquiring quests [Flown the Coop!] and [Chicken Party!]
- Quest groups "Call to Arms" and "Concerted Efforts" have been removed as per patch 3.3.3
- [A Carver and a Croaker] has been fixed
- [The Forgotten Tale] has been scripted
- [True Masters of the Light] has been cleaned up and optimized
- Diminishing returns on many spells have been corrected
- Based on reports and feedback resilience formulas have been reverted back to default Trinity values
- [Nature's Grasp]'s proccing of [Entangling Roots] when moving has been fixed
- Moving out of the starting zone of Battlegrounds now sends you back
- Fix to visibility on certain auras and totems
- Fixed visibility issues with deathstate (corpse/respawn) functions
- Optimizations to visibility range of many enemies
- Flowers summoned by Unknown Spell :( will now have the correct size
- Corrections to many achievement's criteria and boss roleplay voices
- Corrections to block values and formulas on many items
- Snorri will now be able to throw snowball's only at a Seething Revenant
- Bythius the Flesh-Shaper respawn timer has been corrected and his 2 hounds will be summoned on aggro
- Players will now be able to hit Cyanigosa, Lavanthor, etc. from the right distance
- Changes to the way trainers display spells
- [Shadowfrost Shard] will now drop only for players on the specific quest
- [Disgusting Jar] duration will now be in real time instead of in-game time
- Fixed Festive Holiday Mount transformation
- Hunter Trainer model has been corrected
- Twilight Corrupter is a summoned unit and will no longer be spawned by default
- Tharnariun Treetender will now provide another Tharnariun's Hope if your bear trap failed
- Imbued Scourge Shroud will now be effective only in the Temple City of En'kilah
- Darkmoon Faire Carnie will now have correct animation
- NPC's can no longer dodge while casting
- [Runescroll of Fortitude], [Drums of Forgotten Kings], [Drums of the Wild] and other consumables will now properly follow level requirement
- Slight corrections to festive holiday mount transformations
- Rafael Langrom will now sell all armor pieces he should
- Achievements [Not Even a Scratch], [Steady Hands] and [A Tribute to Mad Skill] have been temporarily disabled and removed from players' progress due being obtainable through bugs
- The Etymidian will now have the correct amount of health
- [Replenishment] will now stack duration, not several instances
- Reginald Arcfire and Brassbolt Mechawrench will no longer be attackable
- Allow stacking of auras proced from different item types
- Fixes to the Skeletal Gryphon taxi
- Experience reward for killing Enraged Spirits has been fixed
- Disallow the use of emotes from NPCs and players when in a dead-state
- Fixed a problem with Acherus Skeletal Gryphon
- Elder Harkek respawn timer has been corrected
- Fixed [Vanquished Clutches of Yogg-Saron]
- Corrections to the Earthbind Totem
- Fixed [Glyph of Starfire]
- Fixes to [Master's Call] script
- Added support for [Red Rider Air Rifle]
- Fixes to [Map of the Geyser Fields]
- Fixes to [Create Heart Candy]
- Fixed [Who Are They: Cast from Questgiver]
- Fixed duration of Noblegarden bunny transforms
- Fixes to spell [Create Heart Candy]
- Updated data for Children's Week Achievements
- Arcane Wraith has been made hostile as intented
- All Orphan Matron will now provide Orphan Whistles if you lost them (Children's Week)
- Achievement [Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!] has been corrected
- [Mirror of Truth] and [Coren's Chromium Coaster] will now only proc from melee and ranged critical strikes
- Pre-updated Darkmoon Faire timers for an uninterrupted event time
- Gautter and Northsea Duelist now have an AI to duel
- Thunder Bluff Bluffwatcher are now spawned again and have waypoints
- Corrections to visibility on some spellfocus objects
- Coilfang Frenzy will no longer follow their targets out of the water
- NPC Warlock's [Inferno] has been fixed, it will now have an Immolation aura and be immune to fire damage
- Achievements [Home Alone], [Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!], [The Sickly Gazelle], [Boned], [Flu Shot Shortage], [Intense Cold], [Split Personality], [On The Rocks], [Watch Him Die], [Dehydration], [The Twilight Zone], [Share The Love], [A Quick Shave], [Momma Said Knock You Out], [The Hundred Club] and [Hot Pocket] have been corrected and enabled
- Item [Aegis of Preservation] use will no longer scale with spellpower
- Despawn timers for NPCs Ornolf the Scarred and Doctor Sabnok have been decreased
- Darek Odds and Annhylde the Caller in Culling of Stratholme will now be unattackable as intented
- [Gnomish Army Knife] resurrection function will now be only usable by a Grand Master Engineer
- [Killing Machine] will now have the correct PPM rate for each rank
- [Anti-Magic Zone] will no longer look like a totem nor be selectable
- Achievement [Not In My House] has been fixed
- [Black Grasp of the Destroyer] drain effect will no longer scale with spellpower
- Jedoga Shadowseeker will engage the group once all Twilight Initiates have been killed
- Scoodles should now be lootable as intented and have a path to follow
- Leaving a damaged Demolisher will no longer cause it to regenerate health
- Gamon now has proper immunities
- [Ritual of Summoning] is now disabled for Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Undercity's Seekers have been replaced by Dark Rangers due to Putress' betrayal at the Wrath Gate
- Dark Ranger Vorel and Inzi Charmlight in Dalaran will no longer be attackable
- Corrections to battleground manager
- Many corrections to the vehicle system, summoning and spells
- Changes to the achievement manager
- Structural changes to Quest, Spell and Aura systems
- Many other structural changes for future updates
- 7 crash fixes
- 6 exploit fixes
Source: Molten Wow
On 8:35 PM by Site Admin in trial of the champion zul'tore, trial of the champion zul'tore boss, zul'tore, zul'tore boss

Zul'tore is a boss of the Trial of the Champion in the Crusaders' Coliseum.
Like every horde champion, he is only encountered by alliance players.
- Charge: A charging attack that inflicts 0 damage and removes 1 layer of Defend from the opponent.
- Disengage: You attempt to disengage from the target, leaping backwards. Must be facing the target.
- Lightning Arrows: Calls forth lightning which strikes the caster's arrows, enchanting them. Basic ranged attacks deal an additional 2828 to 3172 Nature damage.
- Multi-Shot: Fires a volley of missiles at an enemy and its nearby allies, striking up to 3 targets for normal damage plus 100.
- Shield-Breaker: A ranged attack that inflicts 2000 damage and removes one layer of Defend from the opponent.
- Shoot: Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
Source: Wowwiki
On 8:15 PM by Site Admin in runok wildmane, runok wildmane boss, trial of the champion runok wildmane, trial of the champion runok wildmane boss

Runok Wildmane is a boss of the Trial of the Champion in the Crusaders' Coliseum.
Like every horde champion, he is only encountered by alliance players.
- Chain Lightning: Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 3 targets, inflicting greater Nature damage to each successive target.
- Charge: A charging attack that inflicts 0 damage and removes 1 layer of Defend from the opponent.
- Earth Shield: Protects the target with an earthen shield, causing melee attacks to heal the shielded target. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. 10 charges. Lasts 2 min.
- Healing Wave: Calls upon Nature magic to heal an ally.
- Hex of Mending: Places a hex on the target, causing all direct heals received to heal all nearby enemies.
- Shield-Breaker: A ranged attack that inflicts 2000 damage and removes one layer of Defend from the opponent.
Source: Wowwiki
On 8:10 PM by Site Admin in mokra the skullcrusher, mokra the skullcrusher boss, trial of the champion mokra the skullcrusher, trial of the champion mokra the skullcrusher boss

Mokra the Skullcrusher is a boss of the Trial of the Champion in the Crusaders' Coliseum.
Like every horde champion, he is only encountered by alliance players.
- Mortal Strike: The same as any boss mob's Mortal Strike, and no less dangerous. Good idea to rotate trinkets and cooldowns while the Warrior's up with other damage bosses on heroic.
- Bladestorm: Every bit as effective as the real deal, this can break a melee DPS group if they're not careful. If your heroic group in particular is melee-heavy, it's a good idea to save Mokra for last so the tank can keep him away from the melee for a while.
- Rolling Throw: Pretty much your standard boss knockback attack, though I think the flying tank might also deal damage to anyone in the airborne player's way.
- Intercept: Nothing special, but be prepared for heal disruption now and then.
Source: Wowwiki
On 8:03 PM by Site Admin in eressea dawnsinger, eressea dawnsinger boss, trial of champion boss eressea dawnsinger, trial of champion eressea dawnsinger

Eressea Dawnsinger is a boss of the Trial of the Champion in the Crusaders' Coliseum.
Like every Horde champion, she is only encountered by Alliance players. Her carbon copy encountered by horde players is Ambrose Boltspark, a male gnome.
- Fireball: Pretty standard, and not at all damaging, hitting for about 2k a shot.
- Blast Wave: A bit more disruptive, and somewhat more dangerous, owing that any of the other Champions may be using their AoE abilities as well. Hits for about 2k and knocks the group back.
- Polymorph: The only real threat Eressea employs, she can randomly Polymorph any of the players for a little while. It's a good idea to try and interrupt this, or else simply dispel quickly, as she can target whomever's tanking the more dangerous bosses.
- Haste: If you've a Mage in your group, make sure they've Eressea on focus. Spellsteal this for a 100% buff to your spell haste. Otherwise, use standard dispel tactics to avoid a sudden outpour of nigh-uninterruptible fireballs.
Source: Wowwiki
On 7:58 PM by Site Admin in deathstalker visceri, deathstalker visceri boss, trial of champion deathstalker visceri, trial of champion deathstalker visceri boss

Deathstalker Visceri is a boss of the Trial of the Champion in the Crusaders' Coliseum.
Like every Horde champion, he is only encountered by Alliance players. His carbon copy encountered by horde players is Lana Stouthammer, a female dwarf.
- Fan of Knives: Identical to the Rogue's Fan of Knives, this hits to the tune of about 2-4k total around Visceri. This compounds with the others' AoE attacks, so melee should be mindful of what the other two are up to.
- Deadly Poison: This is stacked inconsistently on the tank as he's being attacked by Visceri, but isn't too threatening.
- Eviscerate: This hits the tank for around 3k minimum on regular, not certain about heroic.
- Vial of Poison: The real clincher, this is similar to the poison clouds used by the Botanica trash elves before Botanist Freywinn. The bosses should be pulled together out of the cloud whenever possible, as Bladestorm, Fan of Knives, Blast Wave and other AoEs will still be hitting too.
Source: Wowwiki
On 9:04 PM by Site Admin in herald volazj, herald volazj boss, herald volazj boss of azjol-nerub, herald volazj of azjol-nerub

Herald Volazj, a faceless one, is the last boss of Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. He is located within the Fallen Temple of Ahn'kahet. He is a herald of Yogg-Saron and enemy of the nerubians.
- Insanity
- Mind Flay
- Shadow Bolt Volley
Loot Items
Normal Mode
Volazj's Sabatons
Binds when picked up
1305 Armor
+33 Strength
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Improves hit rating by 25.
Equip: Improves haste rating by 60.
Mantle of Echoing Bats
Binds when picked up
191 Armor
+27 Stamina
+45 Intellect
Durability 50 / 50
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Improves haste rating by 38.
Equip: Increases spell power by 39.
Pyramid Embossed Belt
Binds when picked up
269 Armor
+46 Agility
+45 Stamina
Durability 35 / 35
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Improves haste rating by 33.
Equip: Increases attack power by 50.
Heroic Mode
Skirt of the Old Kingdom
Binds when picked up
263 Armor
+67 Stamina
+68 Intellect
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases spell power by 104.
Equip: Restores 36 mana per 5 sec.
Fiery Obelisk Handguards
Binds when picked up
784 Armor
+54 Stamina
+49 Intellect
Durability 50 / 50
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 66.
Equip: Increases spell power by 77.
Bracers of the Herald
Binds when picked up
980 Armor
+34 Strength
+75 Stamina
Durability 55 / 55
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases defense rating by 32.
Equip: Increases your parry rating by 49.
Wand of Ahn'kahet
Binds when picked up
Speed 1.80
332 - 617 Shadow Damage
(263.6 damage per second)
+24 Stamina
+20 Intellect
+27 Spirit
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases spell power by 33.
Kilt of the Forgotten One
Binds when picked up
477 Armor
+67 Stamina
+55 Intellect
+79 Spirit
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases spell power by 91.
Greaves of Ancient Evil
Binds when picked up
1489 Armor
+57 Strength
+87 Stamina
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases defense rating by 42.
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 33.
Staff of Sinister Claws
Binds when picked up
Speed 2.10
168 - 311 Damage
(114.3 damage per second)
(833 feral attack power)
+76 Stamina
+77 Intellect
+51 Spirit
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves haste rating by 78.
Equip: Increases spell power by 355.
Titanium Compound Bow
Binds when picked up
Speed 2.90
238 - 444 Damage
(117.6 damage per second)
+24 Agility
+36 Stamina
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases attack power by 48.
Design: Precise Scarlet Ruby
Binds when picked up
Requires Jewelcrafting (390)
Item Level 80
Use: Teaches you how to cut a Precise Scarlet Ruby.
[Precise Scarlet Ruby]
Requires Scarlet Ruby
Frozen Orb
Item Level 80
Emblem of Triumph
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Source: Wowwiki
On 8:54 PM by Site Admin in amanitar, amanitar boss, amanitar boss of azjol-nerub, amanitar of azjol-nerub

Amanitar is an optional boss in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom that only appears in heroic mode. The boss is located in the bog area to the left of the large mobbed area prior to the third boss, down the stairs. It is the same location the Funky Fungi quest is completed in.
- Mini
- Poisonous Mushroom
- Healthy Mushroom
Loot Items
Heroic Mode
Amanitar Skullbow
Binds when picked up
Speed 2.90
272 - 409 Damage
(117.4 damage per second)
+52 Agility
+25 Stamina
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves haste rating by 24.
Legguards of Swarming Attacks
Binds when picked up
477 Armor
+48 Agility
+99 Stamina
Blue Socket
Socket Bonus: +8 Attack Power
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 54.
Equip: Increases attack power by 78.
Amulet of the Spell Flinger
Binds when picked up
+40 Stamina
+31 Intellect
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 42.
Equip: Increases spell power by 50.
Silken Bridge Handwraps
Binds when picked up
181 Armor
+49 Stamina
+41 Intellect
Yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: +4 Intellect
Durability 30 / 30
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves haste rating by 50.
Equip: Increases spell power by 59.
Emblem of Triumph
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Source: Wowwiki
On 8:48 PM by Site Admin in jedoga shadowseeker, jedoga shadowseeker boss, jedoga shadowseeker of azjol-nerub

Jedoga Shadowseeker is the third boss found in Ahn'kahet. She is a female orc and leader to the Twilight's Hammer and a servant of Yogg-Saron, an Old God.
Loot Items
Normal Mode
Jedoga's Greatring
Binds when picked up
+22 Agility
+48 Stamina
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Increases critical strike rating by 18.
Equip: Increases attack power by 62.
Battlechest of the Twilight Cult
Binds when picked up
1898 Armor
+43 Strength
+82 Stamina
Durability 135 / 135
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Increases your defense rating by 60
Equip: Increases expertise rating by 27.
Cloak of the Darkcaster
Binds when picked up
+22 Stamina
+24 Intellect
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Restores 12 mana per 5 sec.
Equip: Increases spell power by 37.
Heroic Mode
Subterranean Waterfall Shroud
Binds when picked up
145 Armor
+31 Stamina
+26 Intellect
+54 Spirit
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases spell power by 43.
Faceguard of the Hammer Clan
Binds when picked up
1760 Armor
+59 Stamina
+60 Intellect
Durability 80 / 80
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Restores 30 mana per 5 sec.
Equip: Increases spell power by 90.
Shadowseeker's Pendant
Binds when picked up
+42 Strength
+66 Stamina
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases defense rating by 33.
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 21.
Edge of Oblivion
Binds when picked up
Speed 3.60
487 - 731 Damage
(169.2 damage per second)
+80 Strength
+117 Stamina
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves haste rating by 74.
Emblem of Triumph
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Source: Wowwiki

Prince Taldaram, a darkfallen, is the second boss found in Ahn'kahet. His business in Ahn'kahet other than siphoning power is unknown.
- Conjure Flame Sphere
- Embrace of the Vampyr
Loot Items
Normal Mode
Slasher's Amulet
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 25.
Equip: Improves haste rating by 45.
Equip: Increases attack power by 36.
Gloves of the Blood Prince
Binds when picked up
159 Armor
+27 Stamina
+45 Intellect
+38 Spirit
Durability 30 / 30
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Increases spell power by 39.
Talisman of Scourge Command
Binds when picked up
Held In Off-hand
+35 Intellect
+22 Spirit
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Increases spell power by 29.
Equip: Restores 7 mana per 5 sec.
Heroic Mode
Flame Sphere Bindings
Binds when picked up
127 Armor
+37 Stamina
+45 Intellect
Durability 30 / 30
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases spell power by 51.
Equip: Restores 12 mana per 5 sec.
Gauntlets of the Plundering Geist
Binds when picked up
758 Armor
+38 Agility
+57 Stamina
+29 Intellect
Durability 40 / 40
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 44.
Equip: Increases attack power by 116.
Bonegrinder Breastplate
Binds when picked up
2166 Armor
+70 Strength
+91 Stamina
Blue Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +6 Critical Strike Rating
Durability 135 / 135
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 70.
Necklace of Taldaram
Binds when picked up
+43 Stamina
+28 Intellect
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves hit rating by 43.
Equip: Increases spell power by 50.
Emblem of Triumph
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Source: Wowwiki

Elder Nadox, a Nerubian vizier, is the first boss found in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, located within the Hall of the Conquered Kings. He is a servant of the Lich King and guardian of the nerubian eggs.
Loot Items
Normal Mode
Blade of Nadox
Binds when picked up
Speed 1.6
136-205 Damage
(106.6 damage per second)
+21 Stamina
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 42.
Ahn'kahar Handwraps
Binds when picked up
298 Armor
+27 Stamina
+45 Intellect
Durability 35 / 35
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 38.
Equip: Improves spell power by 39.
Crawler-Emblem Belt
Binds when picked up
1068 Armor
+37 Stamina
+46 Intellect
Durability 45 / 45
Requires Level 73
Item Level 167
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 30.
Equip: Improves spell power by 39.
Heroic Mode
Brood Plague Helmet
Binds when picked up
985 Armor
+46 Stamina
+51 Intellect
Meta Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +8 Critical Strike Rating
Durability 70 / 70
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 60.
Equip: Increases spell power by 70.
Nerubian Shield Ring
Binds when picked up
462 Armor
+43 Strength
+64 Stamina
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases defense rating by 21.
Elder Headpiece
Binds when picked up
236 Armor
+58 Stamina
+77 Intellect
+55 Spirit
Durability 50 / 50
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases spell power by 91.
Sprinting Shoulderpads
Binds when picked up
409 Armor
+33 Agility
+87 Stamina
Durability 60 / 60
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 42).
Equip: Increases attack power by 116.
Emblem of Triumph
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Source: Wowwiki
On 5:23 PM by Site Admin in anub'arak, anub'arak boss, anub'arak boss of azjol-nerub, anub'arak the azjol-nerub boss, azjol-nerub boss anub'arak

Anub'arak is the third and final boss of Azjol-Nerub, an instance in the Dragonblight.
- Locust Swarm: Periodic Damage Every Tick. Can be spell reflected.
- Carrion Beetles: Summons 2 Carrion Beetles every second for 4 sec.
- Burrow: Anub'arak will burrow underground at certain HP intervals (~75%, ~50% and ~25%), becoming invulnerable. While submerged, several things happen:
- Spikes occasionally shoot up from the ground, knocking players up in the air and causing damage. These can be avoided by simply moving when the ground beneath you is rumbling.
- Various Nerubian Assassin, Darter, and Guardian mobs spawn and must be killed. Mobs spawn faster as the fight progresses.
Loot Items
Normal Mode
Charmed Silken Cord
Binds when picked up
338 Armor
+64 Stamina
+32 Intellect
Durability 45 / 45
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 38.
Signet of Arachnathid Command
Binds when picked up
308 Armor
+30 Strength
+46 Stamina
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Equip: Increases defense rating by 17.
Wing Cover Girdle
Binds when picked up
582 Armor
+34 Stamina
+28 Intellect
Durability 40 / 40
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 45.
Equip: Increases spell power by 37.
Anub'arak's Broken Husk
Quest Item
Heroic Mode
Sash of the Servant
Binds when picked up
169 Armor
+58 Stamina
+52 Intellect
Durability 35 / 35
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 64.
Equip: Increases spell power by 76.
Flamebeard's Bracers
Binds when picked up
980 Armor
+37 Stamina
+38 Intellect
Durability 55 / 55
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 49.
Equip: Increases spell power by 59.
Ancient Aligned Girdle
Binds when picked up
1261 Armor
+38 Strength
+99 Stamina
Durability 55 / 55
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases defense rating by 48.
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 66.
Rod of the Fallen Monarch
Binds when picked up
Speed 1.80
332 - 617 Shadow Damage
(263.6 damage per second)
+21 Stamina
+21 Intellect
Durability 75 / 75
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 27.
Equip: Increases spell power by 33.
Source: Wowwiki
On 5:11 PM by Site Admin in azjol-nerub hadronox boss, boss hadronox, hadronox, hadronox boss, hadronox of azjol-nerub

Hadronox is the second boss of Azjol-Nerub, an instance in the Dragonblight. When encountered, the Anub'ar are attacking him as the players enter the room. It seems like the Scourge forces here are trying to catch the huge spider and perhaps convert it to an undead to use as a weapon, similar to Maexxna in Naxxramas.
- Every time Hadronox kills a player or attacking Mob, he re-gains health.
- Occasionally casts spider silk tethers, drawing all players (and attacking Mobs) to itself.
- Will occasionally web a player, immobilizing them.
- Leech Poison - AOE Poison Effect. Does 500-600 dmg per tick, heals Hadronox for the amount damaged. Healing done to those with poison also heals the boss.
- Acid Cloud - Decreases armor (sunder)
Loot Items:
Normal Mode
Life-Staff of the Web Lair
Binds when picked up
Speed 2.40
100 - 151 Damage
(52.2 damage per second)
+113 Stamina
+60 Spirit
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Equip: Increases spell power by 316.
Spinneret Epaulets
Binds when picked up
628 Armor
+65 Stamina
+33 Intellect
+35 Spirit
Durability 80 / 80
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Equip: Increases spell power by 39.
Treads of Aspiring Heights
Binds when picked up
576 Armor
+45 Agility
+68 Stamina
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 23.
Heroic Mode
Grotto Mist Gloves
Binds when picked up
665 Armor
+73 Stamina
+50 Intellect
+59 Spirit
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +4 Spirit
Durability 45 / 45
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Egg Sac Robes
Binds when picked up
780 Armor
+114 Stamina
+62 Intellect
Red Socket
Yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: +6 Intellect
Durability 135 / 135
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases your haste rating by 62.
Hollowed Mandible Legplates
Binds when picked up
1386 Armor
+62 Agility
+90 Stamina
Red Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +6 Haste Rating
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 62.
Equip: Increases your haste rating by 41.
Essence of Gossamer
Binds when picked up
+111 Stamina
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: When struck in combat has a chance of shielding you in a protective barrier which will reduces damage from each attack by 140, up to a total of 4000 damage absorbed. Lasts 10 secs.
Source: Wowwiki
On 4:51 PM by Site Admin in azjo-nerub krik'thir the gatewatcher boss, krik'thir the gatewatcher, krik'thir the gatewatcher boss, krik'thir the gatewatcher of azjol-nerub

Krik'thir the Gatewatcher is the first boss of Azjol-Nerub. He is a nerubian vizier under the command of Anub'Arak — a powerful servant of the Lich King. His main objective is to guard the gate that leads further into the ancient city.
Abilities:- Mind Flay
- Curse of Fatigue
- Bugs
- Enrage
Loot Items:
Normal Mode
Exquisite Spider-Silk Footwraps
Binds when picked up
413 Armor
+66 Stamina
+31 Intellect
+36 Spirit
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Aura Focused Gauntlets
Binds when picked up
1178 Armor
+75 Stamina
+32 Intellect
+28 Spirit
Durability 45 / 45
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Cobweb Machete
Binds when picked up
Speed 1.70
141 - 213 Damage
(104.4 damage per second)
+39 Agility
+20 Stamina
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 72
Item Level 163
Heroic Mode
Facade Shield of Glyphs
Binds when picked up
6531 Armor
+64 Stamina
+43 Intellect
+42 Spirit
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Stone-Worn Footwraps
Binds when picked up
536 Armor
+83 Stamina
+58 Intellect
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 57.
Custodian's Chestpiece
Binds when picked up
1065 Armor
+77 Agility
+84 Stamina
Durability 135 / 135
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 78.
Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 45.
Golden Limb Bands
Binds when picked up
988 Armor
+44 Strength
+64 Stamina
Durability 45 / 45
Requires Level 80
Item Level 200
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 42.
Emblem of Triumph
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Source: Wowwiki
On 4:31 PM by Site Admin in lordaeron new realm of molten wow, lordaeron realm, molten wow new realm

Due to the huge players that molten wow has at the moment they’ve created a new realm again named “Lordaeron” to solve the long queue of each realm. For the new community members you are very much welcome to begin creating new characters, start picking the best class and best race that you wanted to be right now!
The realm name and the rates were being decided by the community members in the forum.
For the first week of launching there will be no website support this simply means that you cannot see your toons/characters on the armory and the forum for this realm will not be available yet within that time frame. But on the next week expect for the full website support.
- Setup: 100% retail-like (no custom NPCs, no custom weapons, no custom items and no DarkDeathWoWKillaGM bosses etc).
- Rates: x1 (experience, drop rates, professions, honor, reputation etc)
- Arena Points: Weekly
- Realm Transfers: Not allowed
- Website Support: Disabled at start. Gradually and fully enabled throughout 30 days.
Source: Molten Wow
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