On 11:22 AM by Site Admin in horde leveling guide, horde leveling guide 1 - 80, horde leveling guide 1-80, horde leveling guide 3.3.5, horde leveling guide warmane, horde leveling guide wrath of the lich king
(Wrath of the Lich King)
Hey guys, Gio here once again with a leveling guide. Today I'll be explaining the best areas to level for the horde. I know I said I was going to write one a while ago, but the thing is I actually had to experiment with a horde character before being able to write this guide. Now that that's out of the way, let's get to the rules!!
1. Vote twice a day, save your points, never spend em on "no lvl req. leveling items."
2. Once you hit the level the guide tells you to get to in a certain zone, drop all your quests there and move on.
3.Go to the trainer at the following levels: 6, 10, 15, 25, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.
4. Be sure to run at all times, killing everything that holds experience. On your way to a quest location? Run there, killing all in your path! No mercy!
5. Download the addon Quest Helper or Carbonite, they put arrows on your screen pointing you to the location where all quest items/npcs are.
6. Don't kill any Alliance or I WILL FIND YOU! :mad:
7. Don't follow rule #6, it was a joke.
If you follow those rules, leveling to 80 should be easy! Now time for the guide!
All starting areas provide enough quests to go from level 1-10.
Trolls & Orcs: Durotar
Undead: Trisfal Glades
Tauren: Mulgore
Blood Elves: Eversong Woods
LEVELS 10-20
On my alliance guide, I told everyone to go to Westfall at level 10, seeing as how the trip there isn't to time consuming. Since the horde are more spread out I will send each race to a specific location.
Trolls & Orcs: The Barrens
Undead: Silverpine Forest
Tauren: The Barrens
Blood Elves: Ghostlands
LEVELS 20-30
Now here there are 2 options. You can either head to Stonetalon Mountains or you can make your way to Ashenvale Forest. Both will provide quick leveling. If you seem to have trouble finding quests after level 25, you can always head to Thousand Needles like I did.
LEVELS 30-40
Here the questing spots are plentiful! Head to any one of these areas. Choose any of them.
Arathi Highlands: Some quests, great xp, get from 30-35 here easily, maybe higher if you look for the quests. If you can't make it to 40, move on to one of the other locations.
Desolace: Great spot for some quick quests. Getting from 30-40 here is difficult so I would recommend going to one of the other listed areas at 35.
Alterac Mountains: There are few quests scattered around this map. Enough for 3-5 levels. Go here if you want to level in peace, as no one comes here.
Stranglethorn Vale: Alliance dread STV. It should be horde territory. On my Alliance guide I don't recommend coming here, but on this horde guide, go for it! Get from 30-40 with no problem at all.(Unless you're on frostwolf, according to a few players ally gank stv on frostwolf.)
LEVELS 40-45
There are 3 areas that I recommend for leveling at this point. All 3 are quick and easy. It's just a choice of preference.
Hinterlands: Quick easy quests. No distractions here. Maybe an Ally or 2 but nothing to push you away from leveling here.
Feralas: Leveling here is easy. If you can't find a spot to quest just head to one of the other areas.
Tanaris: Once again, a spot that Alliance players avoid, way to many horde for us. Enjoy the free honor while you're here!
LEVELS 45-50
Now before you start questing here I want you to head to Azshara and get This Quest. Run and get the tablets then return to the girl that gave the quest. She will give you 4 more quests, You must talk to an NPC in Thunderbluff, Orgrimmar, Undercity and One just north of her in Azshara, to get to the Archmage just talk to the guy at coordinates 28,50 and he will teleport you to the top of the mountain where the Archmage is hidden. After delivering everything to these people they will tell you to go back to the girl, this quest gives a ton of xp, and if you dont get to level 50 from this head to Searing Gorge.
LEVELS 50-58
This is where questing gets annoying! But just go to any of these areas and you'll get there.
Burning Steppes: Easy quests. Usually some alliance to fight. I didn't quest here just because of the competition. Not as much as Winterspring, but still...
Western Plaguelands: I didn't see anyone else here, questing was a breeze. No one got in my way.
Winterspring: Tons of competition here. I recommend doing as much as you can in the other areas before heading here.
LEVELS 58-65
Let's go ahead and hit up Outlands now. Hellfire Peninsula is the place to be. Tons of easy quests. Enjoy the easy leveling here. There might be a few Alliance players running around. Kill them or avoid them, it's all up to you.
LEVELS 65-70
First off, get a level 70+ friend to help you out with The Ring of Blood quest. It should get you 2 or 3 levels then just quest in Zangarmarsh or Nagrand to 70. You might wanna go to your trainer once you hit level 70.
LEVELS 70-77
Time for some Northrend! If you don't know how to get there refer to the bottom of this guide. Head to Borean Tundra and get EVERY QUEST! Leveling here is annoying because of all the competition. Just focus on the quests and you'll do fine!
LEVELS 77-80
Head to Dalaran and get Coldweather Flying. Once you have that fly down to Sholazar Basin for some quick leveling. The competition here might slow you down but don't get discouraged! Just keep it up! Only 3 levels to go!
Congratulation, you are now Level 80! Pretty easy right? Now time to get geared! Good luck and have fun! Thanks for reading. Adios
Head to Orgrimmar and run to the front, looking out in front of Orgrimmar look to the right, you should see a zeppelin tower. Head over there. Make sure you talk to the Goblins in front of the zeppelin dock to make sure it is the Borean Tundra zeppelin and not the Thunderbluff one.
P.S. Guys I do realize there is already a leveling guide for horde characters, that guide is for leveling as well as training skills to get good gold. It is a good guide but I'm writing this one for just a straight to-the-point leveling guide. My guide gets straight to it, I'm not here to tell you how to get a ton of gold. After finishing all the quest on this guide you'll end up with around 5k gold, use it wisely. Thanks for reading!
Blog Archive
- Enchanting Guide 1 - 450
- Horde Leveling Guide 1-80
- Alliance Leveling Guide 1-80
- Discipline PVP Build and Glyphs - Priest
- Discipline PVE Build and Glyphs - Priest
- Demonology PVE Build and Glyphs - Warlock
- Inscription Guide 1 - 450
- Combat PVE Build and Glyphs - Rogue
- Balance PVE Build and Glyphs - Druid
- Arms PVP Build and Glyphs - Warrior
- Arms PVE Build and Glyphs - Warrior
- Affliction PVE Build - Warlock
- Blacksmithing Guide 1-450
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