
So, after seeing a lot of people get stuck I thought I would make a little guide to show you how to leave Gilneas after completing all the quests.

This image shows two things: one the red circle showing where you will probably be when you have finished all the quests. The last quests as I remember are within Emberstone Mill circled with the orange, and the quest givers are where the red circle are. So, if you get no other quests they are done!

So, after you finish them you are going to be confused.

The next thing you should do is head back into the city and towards Cathedral Quarter (This is the part where you blew the Worgens up earlier). The bridge to get into Merchant Square is to the left from where the red circle is in the first image.

The image also shows the bridge as if you were looking at it (it is locked here but won't be when you go to it).

Then head across the bridge north of Cathedral Quarter.

This image shows the path that you will take from the Cathedral Quarter bridge. The blue line is where you have to swim across due to the bridge being broken.

You are heading towards Keel Harbour, the purple blob represents the purple boat which is situated there. (It is a Night Elf boat).

This is a screenshot of Keel Harbour that I grabbed from the internet. The path which is closest is where you will be walking up and the boat you see is the one you will board. The two red blobs are where two NPC's the closest is a complete quest (***) and the one on the boat is Admiral Nightwind, who gives you a quest which teleports you to Rut'theran Village.


Additional Information:

When you are in Rut'theran Village go to the most southern dock to get the boat to Stormwind. When there, set your Hearthstone in the Trade District.

- Do NOT use your Hearthstone before setting it somewhere like in Stormwind, this can cause problems are require you to restart your character.

*** I am taking knowledge from my time on Greymane realm and when I levelled my Worgen Rogue. If there is something incorrect within this guide please post so I can fix.

Source: http://forum.molten-wow.com/showthread.php?t=169340