
Here are the steps:

  1. First thing that you should do is to log in your account on Molten Wow Official Website.

  2. When you are already on your account try to look at the left side of the site and there you can see “Point Shop” button all you need to do is to “hit or click it”.

  3. After clicking “Point Shop” button you could see there the “Server Panel” wherein all of the realms are listed horizontally, all you need to do now is to pick or select the “Server” you are playing and then hit it.

  4. The search box will appear then. Now, you need to type the item that you would like to purchase on the search box and then hit “Search Bar”.

  5. When the item that you would like to purchase is available it will automatically appear below after hitting “Search Bar”.  If it’s available what you’re going to do is to choose the character that needs the item you’ve voted and then hit “Purchase” button.

  6. After clicking the “Purchase” button, there will be a confirmation prompt that will appear then, just to make sure if the character you’ve chosen is really the right one. After which click “OK” button.

  7. A message will appear after clicking “OK” button says that “Your item has been successfully sent!”…. Blah… Blah… Blah

  8. All you need to do now is to log out your account on Molten Wow Official Website. Then log in your character in game.

  9. Go to the nearest mailbox in the place you where at the moment or if you don’t know where’s the mailbox just go ask the guard of the city you are at. “This is applicable only when you are now in game”.

  10. Right click the mailbox and you can see there the blizzard icon that has been sent to you from the Molten Wow customer service. Then again, right click the blizzard icon and you could see there the item that you’ve purchased from the Molten Wow Official Website.

  11. After that one you can see there the “Return” button and “Close” button don’t hit them. LOL! Just right click the item below “Take Attachment” the one that is on the box and the item that you have purchased.

  12. It will go automatically on your “Inventory” after right clicking it. And then you can now use it.

That’s all wish you understand all of the things I’ve been talking here. If you’re not, then you can leave or drop a comment below. If you would like to know what are the available vote items in molten wow just click here.